Cut Mix 150
Dragon Pharma

Cut Mix 150

CHEMICAL INGREDIENT: Trenbolone Acetate, Testosterone Proppionate, Drostanolone Propionate
Dragon Pharma, Europe
STRENGTH: 150mg/ml
UNIT: 1 vial 10 ml

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic
65.00 USD

Cut Mix 150 Detailed

Cut Mix 150 FAQ

What is Dragon Pharma Cut Mix 150?

Cut Mix 150 is an injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid with threee (3) active substances used in cutting steroids cycles.

What makes it different from other mixing producs?

Using Cut Mix means you dont have to mix three products or take three injections, you have all ready premixed.

What are the benefits of using Cut Mix Dragon Pharma?

It works well for cutting goals, for example during summer.

What is most popular Cut Mix 150 Cycle

1-8 weeks at 1ml/EOD.

What should I expect after one cycle?

Better look if stacked with a cutting workout and clean nutrition :)

Dragon Pharma Cut Mix 150 can have side effects?

Yes, as any other steroids, stop if you have untolerable sides, dont use high dosage and dont use longer than 10 weeks.

If this product is not in stock what other product should I replace?

You can buy three products separately: Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate and Drostanolone Propionate or just go with Testosterone Propionate for 8 weeks.

A approved supplier of Dragon Pharma?

Yes, we are approved DragonPharma supplier. You are in good hands here.

Cut Mix 150 Reviews
May 21, 2023 (02:13)

Dragon Pharma Cut Mix 150 was used by me for summer preparation.
At 1ml/EOD this product gave me great definition effect.

I must mention that I also implemented a cutting workout and eat clean.

Thank you DP.

Please log in to write Cut Mix 150 review.

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