Top 5 Dragon Pharma Steroids

This is top 5 products from Dragon Pharma

  1. Cypionat 250
  2. Dianabol 20mg
  3. Enantat 250
  4. Testo Blend 350
  5. Propionat 100

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  • Official and legit store, and approved from official brands, fast place order, easy to pay, and time for intrenational delivery is 3 weeks, thanks
  • Unreal store, only the best Manufacturers - axio, kalpa, dragon, genshi, ordering process is good, I bought a dragon and axio, I have been taking these brands for over 5 years, always good effects. thank you
  • used domestic shipping, my gear delivered very fast: dragon Cypionat 250, one of the best Testosterone Cypionate on the Net.
  • ordered more than 10 orders from this site, thanks for Lab test section, good work, will buy again. thanks
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